It is known to you that in case a person who is registered in the Register kept by the Council, submits a request for registration in a Register of Competent Authority of another EU Member State or the EFTA, the Council, for the purpose of simplification procedures and administrative cooperation required for the examination of a member registration application, if requested, may, through the IMI system, communicate to the Competent Authority of the host Member State information relating to the applicant relevant to the subject matter of his application .
Pursuant to Article 30 of Law 76 (I) / 2010, the Council may inform the competent authorities of other Member States of any service activity that could cause significant damage to the health or safety of persons or the environment through the “mechanism alert ”provided by the IMI system.
In the framework of the implementation of Directives 2005/36 / EC and 2006/123 / EC and the harmonizing legislation (Law 31 (I) / 2008 and Law 76 (I) / 2010), respectively, the Council, for the purposes of simplification of procedures and administrative cooperation required for the examination of a member registration application, may, through the IMI system, request and obtain information concerning the applicant from the Competent Authority of another Member State in which the applicant has declared that he is a registered member.
For more information on the operation of IMI you can visit the website or connect via the website of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism: